Friday, May 24, 2013
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Anche sul Commander Procedure abbiamo speso molto tempo. Abbiamo reso piu facile entrare nelle squadre,when you choose guild wars 2 power leveling companies, the most you concerned about is whether their accounts are safe or not. basterà fare simply click con il tasto destro sopra il nome di qualcuno e scegliere di entrare nella sua squadra. La chat di squadra funziona in modo doppio,when you choose guild wars 2 power leveling companies, the most you concerned about is whether their accounts are safe or not. permettendo ai membri di parlare al loro comandante. Un altro miglioramento è che adesso i comandati potranno controllare una lista di persone presenti nella loro squadra tramite il pannello dei contatti.
Le armi da assedio sono state bilanciate in vari modi. Le balestre adesso hanno un raggio leggermente minore ed un cooldown maggiore, mentre il raggio delle catapulte e i trebuchet è stato esteso in modo da essere maggiore rispetto a quello dei cannoni e dei mortai. Sarà possibile espellere qualcuno usando un?arma che si ha piazzato nel terreno semplicemente avvicinandoti ed interagendo con essa. Finalmente , abbiamo trovato e sistemato un bug che mostrava il danno fatto dalle armi da assedio nemiche bianco anziché rosso. Questo renderà più facile riconoscere e schivare i colpi nemici.
Queste sono soltanto alcuni dei tanti aggiornamenti che ci saranno, ma è un campione più che adeguato for every mostrare il lavoro delle ultime settimane. Oltre a questo anche al resto del gioco sono point out aggiunte correzioni e miglioramenti per migliorare la vostra esperienza di gioco nel prossimo beta weekend. Siate certi che stiamo facendo il massimo per analizzare i feed-back dei giocatori in modo garantirvi un gioco migliore prima che torniate nel mondo di Tyria e le nebbie.
BWE1 Classifiche mondiali
Finalmente, è il momento for each la classifica finale mondiale del primo beta weekend! I risultati prima richiedono qualche piccola spiegazione. Ogni mondo ha partecipato in tre partite differenti nel corso del week-end, ed ogni mondo ha un totale di sei vittorie e sei sconfitte. Queste perche una squadra che è finita prima in classifica ha sconfitto owing mondi , quindi ha preso due vittorie. Una squadra che è finita seconda ha sconfitto quella del terzo posto,buy Guild Wars 2 gold fast,u7buy supplies for you cheap gw2 gold with safety guarantee on our website. ma ha perso contro la prima e quindi ha ricevi una vittoria ed una sconfitta. In fine ogni mondo che è finito terzo ricevuto because of sconfitte.
Riguardo a come abbiamo calcolato i gradi nella classifica, le squadre sono state ordinate in base alle vittorie e poi in base al loro punteggio. Usiamo una versione del per determinare i punteggi dei mondi. Ci sono because of tabelle-una per il Nord The us e for each l'Europa- visto che i mondi da una stessa regione non si sono scontrati tra di loro. I risultati ed i gradi saranno resettati for each il prossimo beta weekend, ma abbiamo voluto dare alle persone, la possibilità di vedere occur si è comportato il proprio mondo relativamente al resto della regione.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
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Nel frattempo Anet ha fatto sapere,when you plan to buy guild wars 2 gold u7buy is your first and also the best choice for you. tramite il ,when you plan to buy guild wars 2 gold u7buy is your first and also the best choice for you. che Guild Wars two verrà tradotto pure in spagnolo. La nuova versione non sarà però tradotta integralmente,Guild Wars 2 gold find, infatti solo i sottotitoli saranno in spagnolo mentre il parlato,when you plan to buy guild wars 2 gold u7buy is your first and also the best choice for you. i nomi e tutte le indicazioni del caso resteranno in inglese.
[Update] Come riportato dalla fonte ufficiale Arenanet è totalmente focalizzata sulla versione per PC. Tutto quello che riguarda la console verrà dopo il lancio per PC.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
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ArenaNet has posted a fresh developer web site and other information and facts with regard to the newly extra leaderboards for Guild Wars two. Leaderboards will include a few categories: PvP,if you choose to buy guild wars 2 gold from u7buy, what you get is not only the guild wars 2 gold themselves, but also accompanied with the security guarantee and fast delivery guarantee. WvW,if you choose to buy guild wars 2 gold from u7buy, what you get is not only the guild wars 2 gold themselves,Guild Wars 2 gold cap, but also accompanied with the security guarantee and fast delivery guarantee. and Achievements. To be a commence,if you choose to buy guild wars 2 gold from u7buy, what you get is not only the guild wars 2 gold themselves,Guild Wars 2 Gold Dungeon Mode, but also accompanied with the security guarantee and fast delivery guarantee. the 1st a hundred players in each and every region are actually outlined.
The PvP knowledge is all based upon single-round event engage in,competitions between companies who offer guild wars 2 gold never gw2p. so three-round tournaments and general public matches that you simply enter by using the in-game match browser won't count toward your place inside the standings. So as to reduce simply how much gamers leap throughout the leaderboard,competitions between companies who offer guild wars 2 gold never gw2p. we’re also requiring that you choose to take part in 10 matches before you can appear on the leaderboard.
Here’s a breakdown of the different metrics:
Read the full web site on the site or .
Monday, May 20, 2013
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On the official discussion boards yesterday, sc0rn’s Commander, Honnor, left a clever variation on a classic holiday tune for WvW players to enjoy. Yes, you read me right. With Wintersday here and the holidays right around the corner, what better way to celebrate the season than with a little nighttime WvW prep? Figure out what song what I’m referencing yet? I know– I’m being pretty cryptic.
Here it is: ‘Twas the Night Before Reset!
’Twas the night before Reset! front gate to supply house,Gathering of GW2 Gold,
Nothing stirred in the Garrison, not even a mouse;
The Backpacks were hung, ’round supply hut with care,
In hopes that St. Tinker* soon would be there.
The Guilds were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Golems danced in their heads.
With Fortify done, and a full colored Map,
They had all settled down for a long winter’s nap;
When beyond the outer gate there arose such a clatter,
The Commanders JUMPED UP >:( to see what was the matter.
Away to the Walls, they flew ready for the clash >:(
Tore open there Backpacks,gw2 gold cap! and threw up Guild stash!
Keep reading to see the rest!
The moon to the breast of the new-fallen snow,u7buy is able to cugw2mize special gw2 powerleveling according to your request.
Gave the luster of battle-haze to the objects below.
When, what! to there Eagle eyes should appear,
But 8 miniature Asuras!? ??? Transformed as reindeer!?
With an Engineer Commander, so lively a thinker,
We all knew in a moment it must be St. Tinker.
More rapid than Dolyaks! his coursers they came,
And he whistled, as they Zerged, and he called them by name;
“Now, Basher! Now, Battle! Now, Piercing and Hexen!
On, Comet! On Cata! On, Damage! and Blitzen!
To the top of Supply Hut! To the top of the wall!
Buy my Weapons! And Siege! THIS KEEP shall not Fall!”
As red cinders before the Trebuchet fly,
When they met with an obstacle, They Zerged to the sky,
So up to the Gate-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Siege, and Legendaries too!
And then, in a swords flash, atop supply hut roof,
We heard the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As we drew in our sites, and were turning siege ’round,
To the supply hut roof top; St.Tinker came with a bound.
He was dressed all in Norn furs, from his head to his foot;
And his Armor was covered with ashes and soot,
A bundle of Weapons he had flung on his back;
And he looked like a Warlord just opening his pack.
His eyes-how they Flamed! His Scars how merry!
His cheeks were like Blood roses his nose like a Om Nom Berry!
The tight smirk of his mouth’ was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke circled his head like a Battlefire wreath.
He had a broad face and a big round belly,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits.
That shook when he laughed’ like a bowl of Om Nom jelly.
He was stocky and Stealth,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits. a right jolly old elf;
And we cheered when we saw him, in spite of ourself;
The gleam in his eye and the swagger of his of his head,
Soon gave us to know, in the next battle we had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the Back Packs! Dropped Siege!
Then turned with a jerk!
And laying his finger aside of his broken nose,
He gave a Salute! and to supply’s rooftop he rose;
He then sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a commanding whistle;
And away they all went! over the gate’ like red hot cinder’s of a burning a thistle.
But we heard him exclaim,safe gw2 gold trade is more appealing to wise gw2 players than cheap gw2 gold trade. ere they Zerged out of sight.
“HAPPY WINTERSDAY TO ALL,u7buy receives 30+ guild wars 2 power leveling orders every day.
a link to the original forum thread.
From everyone at Guild Wars 2 Junkies, happy holidays, happy Wintersday, and happy fighting!
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With very last weekend’s major media coverage of Guild Wars 2 there are many people just now starting to pay attention. There are a lot of questions out there of how the game works, how it’s played and what makes it different. Luckily for you,GW2 gold guide, we here at Guild Wars Junkies are paying attention and are here to help you figure everything out. The one question we want to tackle is how abilities and class mechanics are available to you at any given point. In games like WOW, TOR and Rift, players are used to having multiple hotbars with a myriad of abilities readily available to you. How does it work in Guild Wars 2? All the videos you’ve seen showed you a single hotbar at the bottom of the screen and not much else. Are you concerned that there aren’t many options and things might get stale?
The Hotbar Basics:
Right off the bat, each player has up to 10 abilities at any given time depending on your level; Elite and Utility skills open up at different levels. Not only that,as the game guild wars 2 become popular in players, guild wars 2 gold are widely demanded. you can swap your weapon set giving a player access to a total of 15 different skills to use at any given point.
We’re not done. The F1-F4 keys are dedicated to specific class mechanics that open up even more gameplay options.
The biggest exception to the “Hotbar Basics” is the Elementalist. The Elementalist is attuned to each of the four elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Each weapon set the Elementalist has access to has a corresponding elemental skill set. What this means is if the Elementalist is wielding a staff, he has 5 Water skills, 5 Air skills etc. An Elementalist can swap attunement with the F1-F4 keys. Because of this,when you are tired of farming gw2 gold, to buy gw2 gold may be a good choice. an Elementalist can only equip one weapon set at a time and their attunement swaps have a similar cooldown to other classes’ weapon swap.
If you haven’t thought it through yet,Buy guild wars 2 gold cheap, this means the Elementalist has access to 20 abilities before counting healing, elites or utility skills. They can cast a fire spell, swap, cast an air spell,we are able to provide you such cheap gw2 gold because we have established long term relations with many gw2 gold partners, who offer the most favorable prices to us. swap, cast an earth spell and so forth; giving this class a very unique ability to create synergy through all their elements.
Other classes have other mechanics. For example,power leveling companies who use bots on gw2 powerleveling quote low prices, but unsafe to the accounts. the Mesmer’s F1-F4 abilties do different things to their clones or phantasms. The Ranger controls their pet.
The Necromancer has another unique ability where they have abilities that build of “life force” and at any time you can press F1 and turn into a form that uses that “life fource” as a health bar. This form gives the player access to four new abilities. Once that life force bar is depleted the player his put back into their normal body again. This gives the Necromancer access to 19 different abilities including everything else.
The Engineer is similar to the Elementalist as they gain access to “kits” which open up even more abilities outside their weapon sets.
So as you can see, without enough gw2 gold, it's a pity for guild wars 2 fans. Guild Wars 2 is not as static as you might think. Guild Wars 1 players might miss the “deck creation” aspect of their class system but Guild Wars 2 does offer a lot of class building. There are many different utility skills and healing skills that have synergy with weapon sets that players can use to customize their build. And after all this, we still not have discussed the trait system, but that’s for another time.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
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This morning we get an announcement of the date of the next BWE:
Heroes of Tyria!
My name is Chris Whiteside, and I’m the lead producer of Guild Wars 2. Normally, I’m head-down in the trenches,a various kind of favorable gw2 powerleveling packages are available on making sure we’re producing the best MMO possible, but I wanted to come up for air and share some exciting news with you:
Beta Weekend Event 2 will begin on Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7) and will run until Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).
If that isn’t enough to get you all bursting with excitement,gw2 powerleveling. here is some more news:
Your existing beta characters have not been deleted, and you will be able to continue right where you left off! This means that enterprising players with characters level 35 or higher will be able to test their mettle against the explorable version of the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon!
In addition to sharing this news with you,buy guild wars 2 gold online, once you buy guild wars 2 gold from u7buy, a large amount of repeated orders from you will follow because of our excellent service. I want to convey a massive “thank you” to all of you for playing in our beta events so far. The participation and enthusiasm we’ve seen has exceeded our expectations, and we’re all very grateful and appreciative here at the studio. Your support during our first Beta Weekend Event and throughout development has been instrumental in getting us prepared for launch and helping us take massive steps in the evolution of Guild Wars 2 as a whole. You, our community, are an integral part of the development process,cheap GW2 gold instant delivery, once you buy guild wars 2 gold from u7buy, a large amount of repeated orders from you will follow because of our excellent service. and Guild Wars 2 simply would not be what it is today without you.
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013
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Isaiah Cartwright,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits,cheap Guild Wars 2 gold fast. lead designer on Guild Wars two,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits. issued a developer weblog very last Friday with some details about long run enhancements being made to Fractals of the Mists. We’ll be seeing an improved reconnect feature for players as well as advancements to the party-tier system,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits. which is used for placing groups within the fractal tiers. Here’s what he had to say about the tier system changes:
We’ve also designed a few changes to the way party-level restrictions work. Currently, players who want to join a party are limited to the lowest fractal level in the party. This makes it difficult for lower fractal-level players to find parties, so we’ve modified the party-level restrictions to allow players of any fractal level to group up. At party creation, players can choose any fractal level up to the highest fractal level in the party. Upon completion of the fractal run,buy GW2 gold fast, all players equal to or lower than the chosen fractal level will have their fractal level increased by one. All players above the chosen fractal level will gain karma,if you are not sure where to buy good guild wars 2 gold, you can ask your friends for advice. but their fractal level will not increase. Rewards from the fractal will be based on players’ personal reward level as long as the reward level is equal to or lower than the chosen fractal level.
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Last week, we discussed at duration about how in Guild Wars 2. Depending on responses that i been given,we will exert all our energies to meet all your needs on guild wars 2 leveling I know there are lots of you who are seeking pretty significantly at also making this your crafting discipline as well. In this article are five tips to help you master the cooking willpower.
1. An awesome destination to start off if you’re trying to get some recipes discovered is to think about realistic recipes, as was suggested in my previous article. Taking it a step further, remember that discovered recipes have a maximum of 4 ingredients, so breaking real recipes into 4 basic ingredients is important. We can assume that most real life recipes begin with a base such as a meat or a starch,every gw2 player looks forward to getting cheap gw2 gold when he plans to buy guild wars 2 gold they then have some sort of sauce or water added, and then have a vegetable, and either seasonings or another vegetable added.
2. There’s more than one recipe type in the game. In my brief time playing I managed to create Cooking Ingredients, Desserts, Meals, Seasonings, Soups, and Snacks. Recipes in the Cooking Ingredients section are for the most part given to you as you level your skill higher, but within the other areas of cooking, obviously certain ingredients are going to work perfectly together. Be smart about what you combine and you can plan out your recipes much better, if it doesn’t sound like a good match,gw2 gold, it probably won’t be a recipe. I’d be willing to bet that, garlic and sugar are not used in a recipe together, but blueberries and sugar make more sense and may lead you down a path more appropriate for a dessert.
3. Don’t waste your money/karma purchasing lots of items from the cooking vendor in hopes of finding combinations that generate recipes. Most of what they sell are ingredients and seasonings such as salt or vinegar, the bulk of the items that are used in cooking, like meats, fruits, or vegetables are dropped or gathered, be smart about your purchases, and spend your time out in the field gathering proper materials.
4. If you’re completely stuck, try on the lookout at other recipes in the game world. There are lots of recipes in the game that use other recipes. For example, when you reach cooking level 75 you get a recipe for Bowl of Cream Soup Base, which has 4 ingredients. 3 of those 4 ingredients are created by other cooking recipes, 1 of them is only learned via discovery. Another example would be in the Human starting area, one of the karma vendors sells a recipe for Eda’s Apple Pie. In the event you take a look at the list of ingredients to make that recipe, there’s a discoverable recipe in there too. Do keep in mind that any recipes on the Trading Post will be locked so that you can’t see the requirements, and while you can’t discover a dropped recipe, there will likely be a similar recipe that is discoverable. For example Eda’s Apple Pie is a vendor purchased recipe, and therefore not discoverable. However, there’s a pretty close approximation out there for your discovery,guild wars 2 gold ore locations.
5. Use the trading post for more than just buying ingredients. You can look for items crafted by other chefs. In the event you know the end result of the item,guild wars 2 power leveling. it’s a bit easier to try and figure out the ingredients that go into creating it. Also filtering the trading post for ingredients is an excellent way to discover what is available to use in any given recipe, and should aid to get ideas flowing about the possibilities.
Anyone can go to a spoiler website and become a cooking master without exerting the effort to learn new recipes,if you complete our cugw2mer questionnaire and giving us useful information on gw2 powerlevel,Guild Wars 2 quick gold guide, we will give you certain discounts on gw2 powerlevel. but for those of you wanting to become a learn chef by discovering recipes and using the tools in game, I hope that you find these strategies useful. Please feel free to share any tips that you’ve discovered while cooking, as any advice would surely be appreciated.
Monday, May 13, 2013
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Manca l'ufficialità da parte loro,gw2 power level cooking,if you don't wish to waste a large deal of time in farming gw2 gold, you can buy a lot of gw2 gold in a very short time. però è comunque possibile farci dei ragionamenti sopra:
1)Dissero, in un recente passato, che tra l'annuncio della release e la stessa sarebbe passato almeno un mese quindi, dovesse essere Luglio, siamo ancora in tempo
2)A Febbraio, durante la passata CC, affermarono di voler evitare il periodo Settembre/Novembre, causa scarse vendite di Aion; insomma, secondo loro non è il periodo migliore for every spacciare GW2.
3)Affermarono, tempo fa, che la Beta di GW2 sarebbe durata di meno di quella di GW (6 mesi) quindi, ipotizzando five mesi, andremmo a sbattere, massimo, advert Agosto.
4)Affermarono che l'uscita di B&S e GW2 sarebbe stata molto molto vicina.
5)Mi riesce difficile pensare che ci facciano fare un pre-acquisto e poi attendere tutti questi mesi; sarebbe controproducente a livello di immagine e di Hype generato.
6)In alcuni paesi, se non erro tipo il Regno Unito, se dopo three mesi dal pagamento non hai disponibilità materiale del prodotto pagato hai diritto di richiedere risarcimento; potrebbe essere un incentivo, for every loro, a muovere il culo.
Tre mesi dal pre-acquisto è il 10 di Luglio, ulteriore richiamo a questo periodo.
7)Dai BW e dall'ultimo stress test, without enough gw2 gold, it's a pity for guild wars 2 fans. credo sia palese che al gioco manca solo la classica pulitura generale; l'ottimizzazione non è procedura che richiede mesi.
Basti guardare come hanno fixato in fretta il login e la stabilità dei server,guild wars 2 gold find.
8)Luglio è circa un mese dopo l'uscita di TSW e qualcosa in più rieptto a Tera e Diablo; chi si romperà le palle dei suddetti titoli, potrebbe affacciarsi sul nuovo in uscita.
9)Luglio, commercialmente, è un mese abbastanza libero da prodotti concorrenti; non ci sono grandi titoli in uscita, in quel mese.
Al contrario,there are some black sheep who ruin the order of the whole guild wars 2 gold trade market by scamming players' money. già dalla seconda metà di Agosto incominciano a piovere titoli come Sleeping Dogs, Darksiders2 ecc.
Non sto neanche a fare l'elenco dei titoli da Settembre in poi: Far Cry 3, MoH, CoD, Hitman five,it takes a very long time for players to farm enough gw2 gold. Dishonored e molti altri.
Il discorso *sono generi diversi* non regge: se devo ipotizzare un utente medio con un budget limitato, credo che un FPS dal grande nome qualsiasi tiri molto di più di GW2.
10)Non ricordo quale fosse l'occasione ma NCSoft dichiarò di voler arrivare ai 3milioni di scatole vendute entro fine dell'anno; per fare una cosa de genere (o perlomeno averne il tempo),if you are boring in farming gw2 gold day by day, you can buy gw2 gold from u7buy. suppongo che la data di rilascio debba essere di molto precedente alla conclusione del 2012.
Probabilmene c'è altro, ma non mi viene in mente di più, al momento.
Resta il fatto che, fino a loro dichiarazione ufficiale, non ne sappiamo nulla.
Io sono sicuro che arriverà massimo nella prima metà di Luglio.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
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NOTA: Se ottenete l'errore 502 in fase di acquisto del gioco,you can buy guild wars 2 gold on both us server and eu server on our website. vorrà dire che sarà comunque andato tutto a buon fantastic,you can buy guild wars 2 gold on both us server and eu server on our website. e avrete ottenuto la chiave for every registrarvi al gioco. Il workforce di ArenaNet sta lavorando for every risolvere questo problema scaturito dalla massiva richiesta di pagine per il pre-acquisto.
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013
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Last 7 days we expended some time referring to which race people could possibly select when Guild Wars two arrives afterwards this week. Currently we want to devote a while chatting up what job folks are likely to select and why. See anything you assume,u7buy is able to cugw2mize special gw2 powerleveling according to your request. then tell us what career you'll pick first!
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013
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During this past weekend's second beta event,u7buy is capable of giving the best guild wars 2 power leveling to you with our professional leveling team and good credits. we took some time to check out the improvements and changes to the Guild Wars 2 client. We've go the full report of our impressions in our latest column. Read on!
So what type of changes are we talking about? Most of the more noticeable changes involve the UI. I’ve talked about this topic a few times in the earlier, and it’s a very delicate issue for some players. I’ve designed a few UIs myself,safe gw2 powerleveling which can satisfy all your needs can be found on our website,buy Guild Wars 2 gold with credit card. and it isn’t an easy job. You have to come up with something that is easy to use,safe gw2 powerleveling which can satisfy all your needs can be found on our website. yet looks pleasing to the eye,safe gw2 powerleveling which can satisfy all your needs can be found on our website. all while not taking up the entire screen,guild wars 2 gold find. In some ways the new build does a great job of doing all these things. The energy meter use to be a bar. Now the meter takes up less space,safe gw2 powerleveling which can satisfy all your needs can be found on our website. and arches around the health globe. Now we have one element of the UI that does the complete opposite, the mini map.
Read more of David North's .
Some of the pirate structures were made from old ships.
Monday, May 6, 2013
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Progetti delle Armi da Assedio
Alcune persone hanno discusso vari problemi relativi al costo e alla disponibilità dei progetti per le armi da assedio. Trovate di seguito alcune precisazioni che dovrebbero rispondere a molte delle domande in cui ci siamo imbattuti:
I progetti sono sempre disponibili for every l?acquisto con denaro dal Maestro d?Assedio, ma è anche possibile ottenerli appear fall dalle guardie o dai dolyak uccisi.
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Thursday, May 2, 2013
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Being rapid and fast is among the solutions to get in Guild Wars two equally in combat and in world vs. planet. After we talk mobility, we’re looking at two things – a build focusing on running, covering as much ground as possible and general mobility, dodging attacks and being limber in fights. We’re going to converse about the two in detail to help you get places and stay out of trouble. We also discuss the finesse of kiting, which is critical to your survival as an elementalist.
As a key reminder, you can change abilities in the field rather rapidly, along with major traits, so we’ll use some unconventional skills to help stack swiftness, but when you are in a situation where you need to fight, it may be better to switch over to a more balanced or offensive build.
Running through Globe vs. WorldRunning is important because you want to be fast to be responsive. The needs of your borderlands and the eternal battleground change rapidly, but moving at walking speed is like walking at a snail’s pace. If you need to run supply, get to a sortie, or just travel quickly then you’ll want to have a good solid running build.
WeaponsThe first component from the build is the weapons. We only will be caring about two weapon sets: dagger / dagger and staff. Staff offers Windbourne Speed which is about 12 seconds of swiftness and it applies itself to nearby allies. This is a great, general purpose way to gain swiftness and is probably the best way to apply it for an elementalist in sPvP.
The real treat comes with the dagger off-hand. Ride the Lightning lets you dash forward extremely fast and cover an amazing amount of distance every 15 seconds. This ability will let you cover an extreme amount of distance very quickly,u7buy hires proficient levelers engaging in power leveling for more than 5 years to do the gw2 powerlevel for you. unless an enemy stands in your way. After you ride the lightning, you can switch to fire and use Burning Speed to “jump” forward some. Then switch back to air.
Scepter and focus don’t offer much in the way of speed boosts. So you’re best not using them for any kind of mobility build.
Ride the LightningThis is the key mobility skill for an elementalist and there are a few things you need to know. First, it goes only in a straight line, so do not use it when there are obstacles that you can get caught on. Second, it aims for enemies and will stop when it reaches a person, so make sure there are no enemies in front of you (unless you want to get face to face).
Below is a map showing the distance you can cover. You can use it to determine the distance that you’ll travel forward. It starts at the lost dot and ends where the character is currently located,buy Guild Wars 2 gold safe.
TraitsAs far as I’m concerned, Ride the Lightning is the ultimate movement speed skill, but when it’s on cooldown you’ll want to stack swiftness. You can do this in a multitude of approaches, but I find using a few key traits and glyphs the absolute best way to stack swiftness. Why? Glyphs can be cast while moving; some have short cooldowns, and can grant swiftness.
First in your arsenal is the simple combo of Glyph of Elemental Harmony and the trait Inscription, which grants a boon based on your attunement (in this case air, for swiftness). Add in Elemental Attunement from Arcana, to grant swiftness when switching to the air attunement, and throw in any other combo of glyphs you want and we’re looking at 24 seconds of Swiftness with 20 points in Arcana (more if you put more points into it). The glyph is on a 25 second cooldown, so you’ll be able to keep almost perma-swiftness up with it.
If you throw in another glyph, say Glyph of Elemental Power then you’ll have over 35 seconds of swiftness, enough to constantly keep it up even before you speak about switching attunements or Windbourne Speed.
Of course, that leaves you not using traits tailored to your build,power leveling companies who use bots on gw2 powerleveling quote low prices, but unsafe to the accounts. but again we’re looking at ways to gain speed, not to kill enemies.
I did some thorough playtesting of this in WvW and found it to excel at getting to locations fast, especially when there aren’t waypoints up. You stay by casting your glyphs,gw2 gold review, and then ride the lightening, and while it’s on cooldown keep swiftness up with the glyphs and you’re golden.
KitingIt’s no joke, enemies can three shot you. They are not overpowered, nay; it’s that GW2 is built around evasive fight. You avoid enemies,most gw2 fans would rather buy cheap gw2 gold from gw2 gold suppliers than farm them themselves. on any profession pretty much, to avoid damage – or mitigate it through active mitigation. The only true active mitigation that elementalist have is the conjured earth shield.
To kite, you need to cripple, chill, or immobilize. This is primarily featured on the Staff with Unsteady Ground and Frozen Ground. Apply either or and then begin circling the enemy, keeping your distance. Staff air provides Gust for a knock back (returning distance between you and the enemy) and Static Field which can stun enemies walking through it. With a focus you can use Freezing Gust to chill enemies. Double daggers are designed for close quarters combat, so it’s limited on its crowd control,every gw2 player looks forward to getting cheap gw2 gold when he plans to buy guild wars 2 gold but does contain a knockdown.
Your goal, in each fight,gw2 gold suppliers play an important role in gw2 fans by providing innumerable guild wars 2 gold. is to bring distance. Snaring the enemy is a great start and you can use dodge rolls to avoid an attack and build distance while the enemy is recovering. Most weapons contain their own distance gaining ability, like Updraft and Burning Retreat that you can use to recover distance if you lose it.
Other Mobility TipsWhen distance isn’t an issue, it might be smart to consider ways of getting out of situations. Cantrips excel at this, especially Mist Form which stops all physical damage and gets you out of a lot of tricky scenarios. You can use it in boss fights when giant boulders are coming and you’re out of stamina or in WvW to get into a keep.
Lightning Flash is another great cantrip, it teleports you and breaks stun, although it doesn’t break immobilize. This can get you out of some tricky situations and best used whenever a large attack is coming or if you’re surrounded.
Sadly, elementalists don’t get much in the way of endurance boosts. Vigorous Scepter recharges endurance while wielding a scepter, but that’s rather limiting. So dodge rolling is a selective thing you’ll need to take full advantage of. Burning Retreat does count as an evade, though.
Well that’s our mobility tips for the elementalist. Do you think Ride the Lightening is an awesome name or too cheesy? Let us know in the comments section below.